2019 Greg DeGeller QD Education Award for Best Student Submission – Silvia Sherman

2019 Greg DeGeller QD Education Award for Best Student Submission – Silvia Sherman

October 10, 2019
2019 Greg DeGeller QD Education Award for Best Student Submission – Silvia Sherman

This year's Greg DeGeller award recipient is Silvia Sherman, a student working toward her B.S. in Applied Physics at California State University, San Marcos. Silvia submitted an Education Module focused on studying the heat capacity of magnetite. Magnetite is a fundamentally very interesting material which exhibits an often studied, but not fully understood, phase transition near 125 K.

When asked to elaborate on her experience with the VersaLab Ms. Sherman stated, "My current research in heat capacity of magnetite has been performed using the VersaLab. I have become familiar with the software, and the process to take measurements have become second nature to me. I have found the VersaLab to be very reliable and my number one tool for research."

Ms. Sherman also expanded upon her experience with undergraduate research, "Personally, participating in a research project is necessary to get hands-on experience, apply concepts to real life experiments, and prepare for a future career in industry. I encourage other students to look for opportunities in research within their educational institutions, no matter the year where they are at. Working with a professor, learning how to do research, and getting yourself out there will contribute tremendously to the university experience."

Quantum Design believes in the importance of innovations for educating tomorrow's scientists and engineers, especially in the fields of condensed matter physics, chemistry and materials science. QD's primary goal is to teach students how to preserve and foster their magical curiosity and to learn how to express it creatively. The QD Education website is part of an initiative to develop a teaching curriculum that exploits simple and "uncluttered" leading edge technology to inspire students to learn in new and more meaningful ways. Its purpose is to encourage the development and sharing of measurement curricula using QD's wide range of measurement options along with its PPMS® VersaLab cryogenic platform.

The award will fund travel for Ms. Sherman to attend a domestic conference.

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